Erin Reilly

Mar 25, 2020

University of Maryland: Fearless Eventing

The University of Maryland (UMD) Eventing Team began as a small club of about five members in 2016 and is excited to be heading into our fourth year together – each new eventing season brings more members, competitions, and unforgettable memories. We are based out of Tara Equestrian in Sykesville, Maryland under the guidance of our amazing trainer and two-star event rider, Ashley Beheler.

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Mar 24, 2011 Profile

USEA Member Story #21

My name is Erin Riley. I am 17-years-old and a senior at Warhill High School. I have always been obsessed with horses and riding, as a young child I used to sit on my black lab’s back and cluck to get him to go (I learned young how to fall off the right way). I would every year without fail ask for a pony for my birthday.

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