Directory of International ECP Certified Eventing Coaches


Level I - Novice

Wilver Armando Mendez Vargas
A. Taracena #105 - 8 Fracc. Oropeza
Villahermosa, Tabasco.
Mexico. CP 86030
011 9933 051069
011 9933 159053
[email protected]

Level I - Training

Luis Loustalot
Ahuatenco 145, casa 7-2, fraccionamiento Las Vistas
Colonia Cabecera Cuajimalpa
Delgacion Cuajimalpa
Mexico City
ZC 05260
011 (52) 555 8124941
Work Information:
Club Hipico La Barranca and Pony Club La Barranca
Ahuehuetes Norte 317
Colonia Bosques de las Lomas
Delgacion Miguel Hidalgo
Mexico D.F.
ZC 11700
011 (52) 555 5201727
011 (52) 555 2518016
011 (52) 515 513678171 (cell)
011 (52) 555 2411932 (fax)
[email protected]
[email protected]

Ricard Perez Conde
Calzada la Loma 1331 casa 14
Santa Cruz Buena Vista Puebla
Puebla Mexico CP 72170
011 (52) 222 4031591
011 (52) 222 4630383
Work Information:
Club 15 poniente 1532
San Pedro Cholula
Puebla Mexico
[email protected]

Level II

Escipion Anibal Mendivil Minjares
Zuazua 13, Huizachal, Naucalpan Estado de Mexico
011 (52) 55 52953200 (home)
011 (52) 55 55 39417005 (cell)
Work Information:
Rancho Hipico La Joya
Agua Caliente, Lomas Hipodromo
Naucalpan Estado de Mexico
011 (52) 55 55898632
011 (52) 55 898801 (fax)
[email protected]

Sandra del Castillo
Gral Garcia Conde Area 12 bis Edif H-8
Unidad Habitacional Militar 1-L
Delgacion Miguel Hidalgo
Mexico D.F.
ZC 11200
011 (52) 555 2022659
011 (52) 515 521 363601 (cell)
[email protected]


Level I - Training

Salarpsbacken 6
Stockholms Lan - 15146
+46 73 610 8310
[email protected]

Official Corporate Sponsors of the USEA

Official Joint Therapy Treatment of the USEA

Official Feed of the USEA

Official Saddle of the USEA

Official Equine Insurance of the USEA

Official Forage of the USEA

Official Supplement Feeding System of the USEA

Official Competition & Training Apparel of the USEA

Official Horse Boot of the USEA

Official Shock Wave of the USEA

Official Horse Wear of the USEA