EMS Frequently Asked Questions

What is the USEA EMS?

EMS stands for Event Management System and is defined as the software that is used to run an event. The USEA EMS is not an online entry system, but does allow for manual entries and imports from third-party entry systems, such as USEA Xentry.

Why is the USEA developing an Event Management System?

Though there are many who are satisfied with their current management solution, this effort was a direct response to the significant number of events who expressed concern to the USEA Board of Governors about the current offerings in the market. The Board then initiated a task force to evaluate the current and long-term health of the Event Management System (EMS) market. Though the USEA has supported third parties to provide services in the market, it was determined that the USEA needs to support and sustain a viable future forward EMS that will last for years to come. It is also very important to the USEA that organizers are able, if they wish, to choose a software that is cost-effective and provides reliable and modern tools. The task force, after considering many options, found the most cost-effective solution was to develop a new EMS product that considered these requirements at the start. This new product would be developed and implemented by a private firm with experience in creating equestrian scoring systems, not the USEA itself. The task force has been in direct contact with other management system vendors and has invited input at several times throughout the process.

Isn’t it cheaper to buy an existing system than build a new one?

Modern development tools today allow for new software to be built with much less cost and effort than software that was developed 15 to 20+ years ago. Additionally, existing systems are built on older technology that would require a complete re-write to take advantage of modern tools and capabilities, adding to the overall expense of the project. Lastly, existing systems are either not currently for sale or for sale for a price that is prohibitively expensive.

Does the software have all the features I need?

The software has been designed with the input of multiple secretaries, scorers, event organizers and other interested parties. What we have learned through the process is that everyone runs a show a little differently. Though the software may do some tasks differently, the USEA EMS will support everything that is required to run an event efficiently. It has basic features of event setup, registration, scheduling, scoring, accounting, communications, reporting, etc. It also has enhanced features that don’t need to be used but are available to every event. The USEA is also committed to continue making changes to adapt this software to its users.

What does this system deliver that isn’t already in the market?

The USEA EMS is designed with the future in mind. The system will provide the critical features you need to register, schedule, and score an event, but also provide many additional features to all sized events that would not be cost effective by any other means. It’s designed to allow the flow of information and transactions securely in real-time to and from the people and organization who interact with your event. With an EMS Companion app, events can enable real-time communications, registration changes, purchases, or account reconciliations to and from your participants via smartphones or other devices. The system is modular and will allow custom scoring solutions for the types of events you might run in the future. The EMS represents an investment in the database of riders, horses, and owners and their detailed performance metrics, as well as the tools needed to update, maintain, and securely share this valuable database with trusted partners, such as the USEF and FEI, in the future.

Will the USEA require all recognized events to use it?

No. The USEA expects that many events will use it, but it is not required. The USEA EMS is being developed to fill an existing need for the events that have expressed a need. The USEA is aware that lots of events are content with their current EMS provider. It is expected that current vendors will continue to offer their software and secretary services.

How much will it cost the USEA and the events using it?

Since this is the first time the USEA has spent resources developing an EMS, the task force and Board of Governors has taken great care to develop a plan that will keep the cost to the Association and its events low. The EMS will be fully supported by the riders and events that use it and not through membership dues. The individual cost to the events to use the product is still being determined, but the goal is to make it affordable.

What type of support is the USEA providing with the EMS?

The USEA plans to have a variety of support options and hours beyond the scope of the normal USEA office hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET. Though the USEA office staff may assist events, a call center will be available for clear and quick assistance. Supporting the product is critical for rolling out any new application and it will be provided. We will also have 24/7 network operation support to make certain the application is up and running when you need it most.

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