August 26-31, 2025 • Galway Downs | Temecula, California
The USEA Adult Team Championships (ATC) is the capstone event for the USEA Area Adult Team Challenges. The ATC provides adults with the chance to compete as a team and represent their Area in a friendly and fun environment.
The USEA Adult Team Challenges have given adult riders a chance to compete in a friendly team competition. For many years, the Challenges were held annually in different locations (Eastern, Central, and Western) around the United States, but in an effort to re-energize the program, the membership of the USEA voted to change the overall model of the program. Starting in 2014, every Area was encouraged to hold Adult Team Challenges to offer adult riders the opportunity to compete in team competitions leading up to the USEA Adult Team Championships held at the USEA American Eventing Championships. As a result, Adult Team Challenges were no longer isolated to the three challenges around the country. Instead, there may be as many as 10 opportunities to compete in a Challenge, with a final occurring at the Adult Team Championship at the AEC!
The 2024 Adult Team Challenges Calendar can be viewed here. If your event would like to host an Adult Team Challenge, please email Kate Lokey at [email protected].
Divisions Offered
USEA Adult Team Championships Guidelines
Area Team Selection Procedures
Each Area will have different procedures to identify teams selected to compete at the USEA Adult Team Championships. Interested adult riders are encouraged to contact their Area Adult Rider Coordinator for selection procedures specific to their Area.
Rider Support
Many Areas are planning to provide sponsorship, support, and in some cases travel assistance to teams identified to represent them. More information coming soon.
Prize money and sponsored prizes will be offered to the top three teams in all five ATC Championship divisions. All team members must be present at the ATC awards ceremonies in order to claim their prizes and ribbons. Exceptions will only be given to those with proof of medical, veterinary or emergency situations.
The National Qualifications for the USEA Adult Team Championships are listed below. Additionally, each Area has its own qualification standards, which are listed in numeric order below the National Qualifications.
National Qualifications for Entry into the 2025 USEA Adult Team Championships
*Special note: All team members must be present at the ATC awards ceremonies in order to claim their prizes and ribbons. Exceptions will only be given to those with proof of medical, veterinary or emergency situations.
Area I intends to have at least one team per level, including the new Modified division. The date of submission for the Letter of Intent and the applicants ARP membership engagement throughout the year will be considered if the maximum number of riders allowed to compete is exceeded during the application period. All teams must be coordinated through the Area I Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area I Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area II Criteria Adult Team Championship (in addition to National Requirements):
Area II intends to have at least one team per level. The date of submission for the Letter of Intent and the applicant’s engagement in Area II and the Area II ARP (e.g., volunteer hours in VIP) throughout the qualifying period will be considered if the maximum number of riders allowed to compete is exceeded during the application period. All teams must be coordinated through the Area II Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area II Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area III will strive to have two teams at each level, including the new Modified division, with at least one being a competitive team. The date of submission for the Letter of Intent, the applicant's participation in Area III events and their number of volunteer hours will be assessed to determine who will be offered a position on a team if oversubscribed, which is anticipated. All teams must be coordinated through the Area III Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area III Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area IV will not require additional criteria beyond the National Qualifications for Entry into the USEA Adult Team Championships. All teams must be coordinated through the Area IV Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area IV Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area V will not require additional criteria beyond the National Qualifications for Entry into the USEA Adult Team Championships. All teams must be coordinated through the Area V Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area V Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area VI will not require additional criteria beyond the National Qualifications for Entry into the USEA Adult Team Championships. All teams must be coordinated through the Area VI Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area VI Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area VII will not require additional criteria beyond the National Qualifications for Entry into the USEA Adult Team Championships. All teams must be coordinated through the Area VII Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area VII Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area VIII will not require additional criteria beyond the National Qualifications for Entry into the USEA Adult Team Championships. Look for information on the Area VIII website for identifying your intent to compete at the ATC. All teams must be coordinated through the Area VIII Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area VIII Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area IX will not require additional criteria beyond the National Qualifications for Entry into the USEA Adult Team Championships. All teams must be coordinated through the Area IX Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area IX Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.
Area X will not require additional criteria beyond the National Qualifications for Entry into the USEA Adult Team Championships. All teams must be coordinated through the Area X Adult Rider Coordinator.
Contact the Area X Adult Rider Coordinator for more information.