Future Event Horse (FEH) Equipment and Presentation


  • Braiding is optional (but recommended for the Series Championship).
  • Bridles are required on all horses two-years-old and older in the competition ring.
  • Bridles consist of a snaffle type bit with two reins and headstall with throatlatch. Nosebands are optional. Horses may also be shown in a newmarket chain shank, instead of reins.
  • Yearlings may be shown in halters or bridles.
  • For all horses, good grooming and well maintained hoof condition are expected.
  • Each horse must have a separate handler at all times.
  • Bandages of any kind are prohibited.
  • Handlers should be dressed in neat attire (such as khaki pants with polo shirt, or ‘whites’ seen at breed shows and inspection) and good footwear which will allow you to run safely. When FEH is being held in conjunction with the riding competition, boots and breeches will be considered appropriate.
  • Handlers may carry one standard whip.
  • Whip assistants may carry one standard whip or standard lunge whip with no attachments.
  • Disruptive noise makers, snapping whips or any other noise-making device are not permitted in the competition ring or the warm-up area.
  • Only one horse at a time is permitted in the competition arena, with the exception of the division Championships.
  • Unruly horses or one whose actions threaten to endanger the handler, officials or others must be excused.

Method of Presentation

  • The competition arena will be set up with a 30 meter equilateral triangle. A 15 meter triangle will also be marked within the larger triangle.The presentation for conformation will be at the apex of the triangle where the judge will be waiting.
  • Handlers will enter the competition arena at the walk. Horses will be halted at the presentation area and prepared for inspection by the judge who may give additional instructions. The judge will walk around the horse to inspect it from the near side, the off side, the front and rear.
  • Handlers will then be asked to walk the horse up the left hand side of the triangle to the 15 meter mark, across the top of the 15 meter triangle and back down the right hand side to the presentation point.
  • Handlers will then trot the horse back up the left hand side of the triangle to the top (30 meter mark) across the top of the triangle and back down the right hand side to the presentation point. The judge may ask for any of these movements to be repeated.
  • Back at the presentation point, handlers will stand the horse up for a final review and any further instructions from the judge.
  • Horses must always be shown to the right of the handler and must always be turned away to the right so as to avoid a youngster stepping on or pushing the handler off balance.

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