Lexington, Ky.—April 30—Twenty-five horses presented in this morning's CCI5*-L final horse inspection at the Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event.
Meghan O'Donoghue, who was in 16th place overnight, did not present Palm Crescent.
Erin Kanara's Campground and Liz Halliday-Sharp's Deniro Z were both held, and upon re-inspection, Deniro Z was not passed.
In the CCI4*-S, 36 horses presented, and three were sent to the holding box: Sara Kozumplik's Rubens d'Ysieux, Anna Loschiavo's Fernhill That Guy Jack, and Leah Lang-Gluscic's AP Prime. Kozumplik withdrew "Rubens" in the holding box.
Kozumplik wrote on her Facebook page: "Unfortunately I had to withdraw this man this morning which is such a shame! He tends to get a bit muscle sore behind but that actually looked fantastic this morning and I was feeling great about the jog. Silly me since he has a slightly sore right front now. Although I took a moment to weigh my options, I ultimately decided to withdraw. Very sad not to ride this amazing jumper once again in my favorite stadium but we all know he’s capable of a beautiful clear, and the only reason for me to ride today would be vanity. Not worth it."
Mia Farley did not present BGS Firecracker, Daniela Moguel did not present Cecelia, and Dani Sussman did not present Jos Bravio.
Show jumping for the CCI4*-S starts on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. EST, and CCI5*-L show jumping starts at 2 p.m.
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