The USEA Foundation is excited to announce that the Broussard Charitable Foundation has approved an increase in the amount of the Rebecca Broussard International Developing Grant from $30,000 to $50,000. The grant is in memory of one the sport’s greatest benefactors, Rebecca Broussard, who passed away in 2010, and is awarded to assist and encourage the development of event riders at the highest level of the sport. These grants will be awarded to offset some of the travel and training expenses in the pursuit of achieving the qualities of an international rider. This grant is not available to any rider who has already achieved the honor of representing the United States of America on an international team.
The successful recipient will have competed in the CIC3* or CCI3* at the upcoming Event at Rebecca Farm and will have participated in the interview process with the panel responsible for awarding the grant. The Broussard Charitable Foundation also makes Travel Grants available to assist eligible riders in making the journey to The Event at Rebecca Farm. Applications for these grants must be made before June 20, 2018 and are available here. Click here for additional information about the Rebecca Broussard Travel Grants.
The USEA Foundation is truly grateful for the generosity shown by the Broussard Charitable Foundation in making these grants available. Rebecca was a much-loved member of the USEA and in addition to her philanthropy, she served as a board member of the association and as a trustee of the USEA Foundation for many years. The sport is indebted to Rebecca and the USEA Foundation is honored to have the opportunity to keep her memory alive through the administration of these grants.
Rally your teammates! The spring semester is here and the 2025 USEA Intercollegiate Team Challenge season has officially begun. As riders prepare for the USEA Intercollegiate Eventing Championship on May 2-4 at Stable View in Aiken, South Carolina, many will be heading to their local Horse Trials to sharpen their skills and build team spirit ahead of this epic event.
The USEA Foundation is pleased to announce the new Organizer's Relief and Competition Assistance (ORCA) Fund and has updated the Frangible Technology Fund for 2025. Please read below for more information on each opportunity.
The U.S. Equestrian Federation is pleased to announce the following individuals appointed to serve as USEF Eventing Selectors.
Hands down, the USEA's Big Valentine's Quiz is always one of our most popular podcasts each year, and this year USEA Podcast host Nicole Brown pitted U.S. eventing power couple Jacob and Cornelia Fletcher against Australia's beloved Shane and Niki Rose for another fun-filled episode! From eventing knowledge to cute couple questions, Nicole puts these two couples to the test. Which couple do you think came out on top?