Mar 03, 2021 NEWS

VIDEO: Forward Riding for Successful Jumping with Kim Severson

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Mar 03, 2021 NEWS

Biosecurity Protocols Reminder Following Recent EHV-1 Outbreak in Europe

A case of EHV-1 (neurological) has been reported in Ocala, Florida, similar in nature, but unrelated to the neurological strain of EHV-1 impacting Valencia (ESP) and other European countries. The horse was not shipped from Europe and was not on show grounds at the onset of symptoms. USEF is working closely with the Florida Department of Agriculture and state authorities who are completing contact tracing and identifying the potential source of the virus exposure.

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Mar 03, 2021 NEWS

VIDEO: Forward Riding for Successful Jumping with Kim Severson

Five-star eventer Kim Severson taught a show jumping clinic in January at Milestone Sport Horses in Lovettsville, Virginia where she instructed riders on the importance of forward riding for successful jumping. In this exercise, which Severson progressively adds additional pieces to, riders are instructed to focus on the quality of their canter.

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