Young Event Horse

Nov 18, 2024

USEA Podcast #374: Celebrating Young Event Horses

Bringing along a young horse is such a special process for everyone involved. The USEA is excited to dedicate an episode to celebrating some of the special young horses in the United States that have risen to the occasion. Joining USEA Podcast Host Nicole Brown in this episode are Tommy Greengard, the rider and co-owner of this year's Holekamp/Turner Grant Recipient That's Me Z who represented the U.S. at Le Lion this year, and Kaylawna Smith-Cook, who piloted Bonner Carpenter's Only-Else to the highest national score in the Dutta Corp. USEA Young Event Horse 5-Year-Old Championships.
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Nov 02, 2018 Grants

Young Horse Championship Round-Up

Championship season is upon us, and this week we're speaking with the winners from the USEA Young Event Horse (YEH) East and West Coast 5-year-old Championships.
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Sep 21, 2018 Grants

Quantum Leap Is on the Road to Le Lion d’Angers

Young Event Horse committee member Debbie Adams joins us on the program this week to discuss her experience with the Holekamp/Turner Young Event Horse Le Lion d’Angers Prize and Grant, which is awarded to the highest scoring horse from the USEA Young Event Horse 5-year-old East and West Championships combined that is qualified as a 7-year-old and willing to compete in the FEI World Breeding Eventing Championships for Young Horses at Le Mondial du Lion d'Angers in France.
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Mar 09, 2018 Instructors

Highlights from the 2018 ICP Symposium

​Leslie Law and Kai-Steffen Meier join us this week to share some highlights from their teaching as featured clinicians at the 2018 ICP Symposium at Longwood Farm South in Ocala, Florida, February 19-20, 2018. The two-day symposium was dedicated to the training of young event horses, with the first day focusing on flatwork and the second day focusing on work over fences, both show jumping and cross-country.
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Nov 24, 2017 Young Event Horse

Meet the 2017 Young Event Horse Championship Winners

On this week’s program, get to know the winners of the 2017 Young Event Horse (YEH) Championship divisions!
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Sep 28, 2017 Young Event Horse

Kim Severson’s European Summer + USEF Bit Clarification

Janis Linnan, Steward General for Eventing with US Equestrian, explains that, in an effort to bring the USEF bit rules into compliance with what is currently permitted by the FEI, these new rules will hopefully be approved for USEF competition in January and go into effect during the 2018 calendar year.
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Mar 08, 2019 Instructors

Unpack the ICP and YEH Symposia

This week on the USEA Podcast, Marilyn Payne and Maxime Livio come on the show to discuss the Instructors’ Certification Program (ICP) and Young Event Horse (YEH) Program Symposia that took place last month at the Grand Oaks Resort in Weirsdale, Florida.
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Feb 24, 2017 Instructors

Symposium Recap: Training and Teaching Principles with Chris Ryan and Chris Burton

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week was a whirlwind with USEA’s Instructors’ Certification Program (ICP), Future Event Horse Program (FEH) and Young Event Horse Program (YEH) teaming up to offer an ultimate educational symposium in Ocala, Fla.
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Jan 13, 2017 Instructors

ICP, FEH and YEH Join Forces for the Ultimate Educational Opportunity This Winter

The Instructors’ Certification Program (ICP) and the USEA’s Future Event Horse (FEH) and Young Event Horse (YEH) Programs are teaming up to bring USEA members the ultimate educational opportunity in Florida this winter.
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Nov 02, 2016 Young Event Horse

Get to Know Your 2016 USEA Young Event Horse Champions: Foreign Quality and Woodford Reserve

On this podcast, we get some more information on the 2016 USEA Young Event Horse (YEH) 5-year-old Champions of both coasts. Woodford Reserve, An Irish Sport Horse (Tinarana's Inspector x Laharn's Laughton) owned by rider Erin Kellerhouse, took top honors on the west coast, while Foreign Quality, a Dutch Warmblood owned by Marley Stone Bourke and ridden by Tim Bourke, bested the rest on the east coast.
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Mar 09, 2016 Education

Evaluation of a Young Event Horse Prospect Symposium Recap & Equine Behavior with Tik Maynard

Robin Walker and Marilyn Payne review the recent Future Event Horse (FEH) & Young Event Horse (YEH) Symposium in Ocala, FL.
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