Mar 09, 2018

Highlights from the 2018 ICP Symposium

Leslie Law and Kai-Steffen Meier presenting at the USEA Educational Symposium. USEA/Jessica Duffy Photos.

Leslie Law and Kai-Steffen Meier join us this week to share some highlights from their teaching as featured clinicians at the 2018 ICP Symposium at Longwood Farm South in Ocala, Florida, February 19-20, 2018. The two-day symposium was dedicated to the training of young event horses, with the first day focusing on flatwork and the second day focusing on work over fences, both show jumping and cross-country.

Law and Meier both discuss what they focused on each day, including exercises and techniques they used to help riders develop the horse’s gaits. Law focused on developing the young horse’s natural rhythm while Meier demonstrated how to begin to ask for collection from the young horse. On day two, both Law and Meier coached riders through developing the appropriate forward, uphill canter for show jumping and then translating that forward gait to the cross-country field. Both clinicians closed by offering up their top tips for working with young horses.

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