Series + Championships

Feb 24, 2025

USEA Podcast #381: Get the Lowdown on the USEA Classic Series

Want to learn more about the history of eventing and how to develop the strongest partnership possible with your horse? Consider adding a USEA Classic Series event to your 2025 competition calendar! USEA Podcast host Nicole Brown chats with two of the biggest fans of the USEA Classic Series, five-star competitor Sharon White and organizer/former long-format competitor Sarah Broussard, about all the phases of this iconic event and how you can get involved this year.
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Mar 22, 2019 Future Event Horse

FEH Symposium Round-Up

This week on the USEA Podcast, Robin Walker, Peter Gray, and Christian Schacht join us on the show to discuss the Future Event Horse (FEH) Symposium, including the future of the FEH Program, what the judges are looking for, and the ideal conformation of the event horse.
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Feb 22, 2019 Classic Series

The Thrill of the 'Chase

This week on the USEA Podcast, USEA Classic Series Task Force member Mary Fike comes on the show to talk about the USEA Classic Series and the work the Task Force has done over the last year. Marcia Kulak returns to the show to talk about fitness programs for long format events.
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Nov 02, 2018 Grants

Young Horse Championship Round-Up

Championship season is upon us, and this week we're speaking with the winners from the USEA Young Event Horse (YEH) East and West Coast 5-year-old Championships.
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Oct 19, 2018 Series + Championships

Update on the Fair Hill Five-Star

In 2017, US Equestrian (USEF) approved a recommendation to award a new CCI4* event to Fair Hill. After the FEI announced the changes to the star system in November of 2017, Fair Hill made the decision to wait until the specifications for the new five-star were finalized before moving forward with improvements to the facility.
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Oct 05, 2018 Future Event Horse

Three of a Kind: Meet the 2018 USEA FEH East, West, and Central Grand Champions

This week on the USEA Podcast, meet the three USEA Future Event Horse (FEH) Grand Champions from the East Coast, West Coast, and Central Championships.
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Sep 21, 2018 Grants

Quantum Leap Is on the Road to Le Lion d’Angers

Young Event Horse committee member Debbie Adams joins us on the program this week to discuss her experience with the Holekamp/Turner Young Event Horse Le Lion d’Angers Prize and Grant, which is awarded to the highest scoring horse from the USEA Young Event Horse 5-year-old East and West Championships combined that is qualified as a 7-year-old and willing to compete in the FEI World Breeding Eventing Championships for Young Horses at Le Mondial du Lion d'Angers in France.
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Sep 07, 2018 AEC

A Taste of #AEC2018

Tune in this week to hear from some of the winners from the 2018 USEA American Eventing Championships (AEC) presented by Nutrena® Feeds!
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Aug 24, 2018 Classic Series

Preparing for a USEA Classic Series Event

This week on the show we are joined by the winners of the Novice Three-Day and Training Three-Day at the 2018 Event at Rebecca Farm, amateur rider Jeanne Carley and professional rider Heather Morris. Both riders share their unique perspectives on how they prepared to compete in the long format three-day event.
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Aug 10, 2018 Series + Championships

#Tryon2018 Cross-Country Preview

This week on the USEA Podcast, listen in to hear from course builder Eric Bull and course designer Captain Mark Phillips, who are both working on the cross-country course at the Tryon International Equestrian Center for the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG).
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Jul 27, 2018 Advanced Final

Meet the 2018 Rebecca Farm and North American Youth Championships Winners

This week, hear from the winners of the NAYC CCIJ* and CICOY2*, McKinsey Wickman and Alexandra Baugh, as well as Tamra Smith, winner of the Rebecca Farm Adequan USEA Gold Cup CIC3*, and Frankie Thieriot Stutes, who won the CCI3* wire to wire.
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