Dec 16, 2024

Thank You to the Sponsors of the 2024 USEA Annual Meeting & Convention

By Kaleigh Collett - USEA Staff | Press Release
USEA/Meagan DeLisle photo

Another fantastic week at the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention has come to a close in Seattle, Washington! Several days of celebration and education, highlighted by the year-end awards luncheon and the Annual Meeting of Members with special keynote address from Tik Maynard, were bookended by two important governance meetings of the USEA's Board. This event would not have been possible without the support of the many loyal partners of the USEA and the Convention.

The USEA would first like to thank its Corporate Level sponsors and partners, who dedicate their time and resources to the USEA programs, events, and membership year-round, helping the sport of eventing thrive in the United States. Thanks are in order for to Adequan ,“The Official Joint Therapy Treatment of the USEA,” ARMA, "The Official Horse Boot of the USEA," Bates , “The Official Saddle of the USEA,”  Kerrits, “The Official Competition and Training Apparel of the USEA," Nutrena,  “The Official Feed of the USEA,”  Parker Equine Insurance , “The Official Equine Insurance of the USEA,” PulseVet, "The Official Shock Wave of the USEA," Schneiders Saddlery, "The Official Horse Wear of the USEA," SmartPak, “The Official Supplement Feeding System of the USEA,” and  Standlee, “The Official Forage of the USEA."

Nunn Finer returned as the Overall Leaderboard Sponsor, supporting and recognizing USEA members at all levels throughout the year. For the individual leaderboards, World Equestrian Brands sponsored the Rider of the Year,  Bates Saddles sponsored the Lady Rider of the Year and Mare of the Year,  RevitaVet sponsored the Young Rider of the Year,  Standlee sponsored the Horse of the Year, SmartPak sponsored the Stallion of the Year and Pony of the Year, and Mrs. Pastures sponsored the USEA Volunteer of the Year.

For the USEA Classic Series Sweepstakes, PulseVet also provided Assisi Loops for winners at all levels from Beginner Novice through Modified, while D.G. Stackhouse and Ellis Saddles supported the Novice and Training Three-Day sweepstakes with a custom saddle for each category, and Bates Saddles gave the Beginner Novice and Modified Three-Day sweepstakes winners Bates prize packs.

Rebecca Farm  continued their support of the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention by graciously providing the coffee and continental breakfast for USEA members each morning. Their loyalty to the sport and communities around the United States have impacted countless individuals.

Finally, thank you to Gallops Saddlery, Horse & Country, and Ride iQ for their support of this year's Convention, and the USEA’s Area VII for stepping up to host the membership in their region and welcomed us all to the beauty of Seattle, Washington. Thank you to everyone that attended and contributed to making this such a great week for the sport of eventing!

The USEA would like to wish all our members and supporters a very happy holiday season! Please save the date for the 2025 USEA Annual Meeting and Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Dec. 11-14, 2025.

About the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention

The USEA Annual Meeting & Convention takes place each December and brings together a large group of dedicated USEA members and supporters to discuss, learn, and enjoy being surrounded by other eventing enthusiasts. The USEA organizes multiple seminars in addition to committee meetings, open forums, and tons of fun! The 2024 USEA Annual Meeting & Convention will take place in Seattle, Washington, on Dec. 12—15. Click here to learn more about the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention.

The USEA would like to thank the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention Sponsors: Adequan, ARMA, Bates Saddles, D.G. Stackhouse & Ellis, Gallops Saddlery, Horse & Country, Kerrits, Mrs. Pastures Cookies for Horses, Nunn Finer, Nutrena, Parker Equine Insurance, PulseVet, Rebecca Farm, RevitaVet, Ride iQ, Schneiders Saddlery, SmartPak, Standlee, and World Equestrian Brands.

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Official Corporate Sponsors of the USEA

Official Joint Therapy Treatment of the USEA

Official Feed of the USEA

Official Saddle of the USEA

Official Equine Insurance of the USEA

Official Forage of the USEA

Official Supplement Feeding System of the USEA

Official Competition & Training Apparel of the USEA

Official Horse Boot of the USEA

Official Shock Wave of the USEA

Official Horse Wear of the USEA