Mar 23, 2025

Pressure Proof with Daniel Stewart: Chart Your Course

USEA/Lindsay Berreth photo

This month we’re going to wrap-up our discussion on mindsets and how they can point us in the direction of growth, grit, and gratitude—or in the direction of disappointment, defeat, and dejection. We all have the choice to "chart our own course," so let's all consider using this series of Pressure Proof tips to remember to take pride in ourselves instead of worrying about others; believe our short-term struggles won’t interfere with our long-term success; that we are survivors and never victims; and that we are enough and always grateful for everything we have.

I’ve always said that great coaches don’t just give directions—they help riders find their direction. So this month let’s continue this discussion with a few more mindsets to help us all chart a course in the direction of confidence and courage!

The first two mindsets are called dread and dreamer. The dread mindset is defined by worrying and self-doubt. Riders with a dread mindset often believe that challenges are bigger than their abilities and, therefore, avoid trying because they’re pretty sure it won’t be enough. Riders with a dreamer mindset, on the other hand, dream big and think big, but also put in big efforts. They believe most things are possible and aren’t afraid of making the kind of efforts required to make those dreams come true.

The next two mindsets are called future-fear and feedback. Riders with a future-fear mindset live with a “what-if” and “not-enough” mentality ("What if I’m not good enough" or “What if I try but it’s not enough"). These riders often focus so much on the negative things that might happen in the future that they’re incapable of enjoying the positive things happening in the present. Riders with a feedback mindset, however, live with a “so-what-if” mentality. They don’t worry about things that might happen in the future, but use feedback from things happening in the present to improve that future. To these riders, “What if I fail” turns into “So what if I fail (because it’ll teach me what I need to know to become a better rider in the future)."

The final two mindsets are called win and winning. Riders with a win mindset see winning as an all-or-nothing proposition. They’re either first or first loser. These riders struggle with losing because they link it to their self-worth and self-image (I’m either first or worse) and as a result often try to deflect responsibility by blaming it on the footing, judge, horse, etc. Riders with a winning mindset, however, don’t define winning and losing as opposites. To them, both are learning opportunities and while they certainly enjoy the wins, they also take pride in their efforts and the lessons leaned from their losses.

This wraps-up our discussion on the growth and fixed mindsets and the 16 mini-mindsets that create them, but if you’re like me, 16 things (even really good things) can be a bit tricky to recall so here’s a list of the many mindsets that can lead us to believe that our ability can either grow or that it's fixed and can’t change.


Gratitude (thankful for what we have)

Greed (always wanting more)

Survivor (never give up-ability)

Victim (why even try, it won’t help)

Abundance (I want what I have)

Scarcity (I don’t have what you want)

Selfless (I am enough)

Self (I wish I were more like her)

Long-Term (my struggles lead to success)

Short-Term (my struggles stop my success)

Dreamer (I can achieve great things)

Dread (I worry about bad things happening)

Feedback (so what if I fail?)

Future-Fear (what if I fail?)

Winning (I either win or learn)

Win (I either win or I’m a loser)

I hope this list helps you find a little clarity-in-clutter. After all, when you’re mindful-of-mindsets you’re more likely to pick those on the left side of the page! As I mentioned before, we all have the choice to choose the course we chart so I really hope this Pressure Proof series has helped you point your compass in the direction of growth, grit, gratitude and greatness!

If you’re a visual learner and would like to take my online self-paced equestrian sport psychology class (30 videos, PDFs, and short quizzes) please let me know. It’s upbeat and enjoyable, and I’m certain you’d love it! For more info visit:

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