Mar 16, 2020

USEA Podcast #253: Coronavirus (COVID-19) and U.S. Eventing

With the recent announcements from the USEA, USEF, and FEI regarding the hosting of events during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Nicole speaks with USEA CEO Rob Burk and USEF Managing Director of Eventing Jenni Autry to clarify the current position on eventing throughout the U.S.

The USEA Board of Governors voted on Friday, March 13 to suspend recognizing any competitions under its direct jurisdiction held in the U.S. at the Beginner Novice, Novice, and Training levels for a period of at least two weeks (14 days) starting on Monday, March 16. The suspension extends also to USEA recognized educational activities, Young Event Horse, Future Event Horse, and New Event Horse competitions. Read the full statement here.

On Friday, March 13 the USEF announced that effective Monday, March 16, 2020, all USEF owned events, selection trials, training camps, clinics, and activities will be suspended for the next 30 days. Additionally, USEF strongly recommends that competition organizers suspend all USEF licensed competitions across the country for the next 30 days and that equestrians do not compete for the next 30 days. For those competitions that do run, there will be no accumulation of points, scores, money won, qualifications, or rankings toward any USEF awards programs, USEF owned event, or selection to a US team during this 30-day time period. This includes USEF National Championships. Read the full statement here.

The FEI has also strongly recommended that organizers should cancel all events for the next four weeks until a reassessment of the situation can be made. Read the full statement here.

Events have all responded to these new restrictions in different ways. Responses from upcoming events can be all read here.

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