The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) is pleased to announce the competitions approved by the USEF Board of Directors Ad Hoc Committee (Board) to host the CCI4*-L level events during the 2023-2027 competition cycle under the new Eventing Calendar Process. All U.S. Organizers were invited to bid to host the CCI4*-L, CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L, and Advanced levels through a bid process. Only venues that submitted bids to host the CCI4*-L level were considered for the CCI4*-L dates.
The host competitions and their 2023 dates are as follows:
• April 22, 2023 – Twin Rivers Spring International (Paso Robles, California)
• May 13, 2023 – Tryon Spring International (Mill Spring, North Carolina)
• July 22, 2023 – The Event at Rebecca Farm (Kalispell, Montana)
• October 14, 2023 – Morven Park Fall International (Leesburg, Virginia)
• November 4, 2023 – Galway Downs International (Temecula, California)
• November 18, 2023 – The Event at TerraNova (Myakka City, Florida)
The approved CCI4*-L bids met the criteria outlined in the 2023-2027 U.S. Eventing Calendar CCI4*-L, CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L & Advanced Policies & Procedures. The USEF Eventing Bid Review Group provided their recommendation to the USEF Eventing Sport Committee and USEF International Disciplines Council prior to Board approval.
The USEF Eventing Bid Review Group is in the process of reviewing the bids to host the CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L and Advanced competitions on the 2023-2027 Eventing Calendar. The allocation of the CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L, and Advanced levels is expected to be announced by the end of September.
Please refer to the U.S. Eventing Calendar Process webpage for all information regarding the Eventing Calendar Process.
After two years on the East Coast, the United States Eventing Association, Inc. (USEA) is thrilled to be packing our bags and heading West for the 2025 USEA American Eventing Championships (AEC) presented by Nutrena Feeds. On August 26-31, top USEA competitors from near and far will converge on Galway Downs in Temecula, California, for the annual championship that celebrates every level of the Olympic sport of eventing from Starter through Advanced. This year’s event will again feature the $60,000 Adequan USEA Advanced Final and the USEA Adult Team Championships.
Since 2006, the Broussard Family Charitable Trust has supported the sport of eventing in the U.S. and the careers of countless U.S. event riders through multiple grants including the Rebecca Broussard Developing Rider Grant (2011), Le Samurai Fund (2008), Cindy Burge Memorial ECP Grant (2006), Broussard Family Charitable Trust Going Forward Grants (2020), and the Rebecca Farm Travel Grant (2011). The USEA Foundation is excited to share that the Broussard Family Charitable Trust continues to remain committed to its support of these grants and has announced the following enhancements for 2025.
The MARS Bromont Rising U25 scholarship program, administered by the USEA Foundation, is pleased to announce that up to 10 grants of up to $2,500 each will once again be available for talented young riders aged 25 and under aiming to compete in the MARS Bromont (Quebec, Canada) U25 CCIs in June 2025.
For 13-year-old Lila Apple, the pathway to eventing hasn’t always been easy. Self-doubt and confidence issues hindered her progress, but after partnering with a precocious and experienced Thoroughbred and a new trainer who helped her hone her skills, she’s thriving—and even has this year’s USEA Interscholastic Eventing League Championships (IEL) firmly in her sights.