The Jockey Club is happy to announce that the Thoroughbred Incentive Program (T.I.P.) will be offered in 2013 after the completion of a successful pilot program in 2012. The Jockey Club launched T.I.P. to encourage the retraining of Thoroughbreds into other disciplines by offering sponsorship for Thoroughbred-only classes and divisions and high point Thoroughbred awards at open horse shows and competitions. We are extremely grateful to the horse shows that participated in 2012 and helped make T.I.P. a huge success!
Horse show organizers who would like to offer a T.I.P. Thoroughbred class and/or high point award at their show in 2013 are now invited to complete the T.I.P. application online at The deadline for applications is December 15, 2012. Applications might be accepted after December 15 if funds remain, but it is recommended that you submit an application online as soon as possible. Applications received prior to December 15 might be considered for awards prior to the deadline. T.I.P. sponsorships are for shows taking place from March 2013 through December 2013.
T.I.P. sponsorships are available for a variety of disciplines, including eventing, dressage, hunters, jumpers, Western, English pleasure, polo, and foxhunting. T.I.P. awards will include ribbons, prizes, and in some cases, prize money. For more information on applying, please visit Instructions for Horse Shows and Procedures.
Please note, changes have been made to the menu of classes and awards that are available. Horse shows are welcome to apply for awards, classes, and divisions customized to their specific show using the "other" boxes provided on the application.
Because we expect that the number of applications will increase from those submitted for 2012 shows, horse shows offering classes for Thoroughbreds at multiple shows are encouraged to apply to T.I.P. for the series of shows, with ribbons at each individual show and a series-end award offering prize money. To do so, place the series name as the "Show Name" and in Special Requests, note the number of horse shows that would require ribbons and the type of year-end award preferred. T.I.P. will follow up with exact dates for the other horse shows via email.
Thoroughbreds registered with The Jockey Club or a foreign Thoroughbred stud book approved by The Jockey Club are eligible for participation in all T.I.P. classes and awards. Horse owners interested in participating in T.I.P. can find more information regarding eligibility and assistance with identification of Thoroughbreds at
We will be making additional changes to T.I.P. throughout the winter, including to the way horse owners prove eligibility and the way results are reported. More information will be provided as it becomes available .
The 2025 USEA Intercollegiate & Interscholastic Eventing Championships are officially two months away! Collegiate and IEL athletes from across the country are gearing up for what has been coined the “Happiest Horse Trials on Earth,” and the USEA can’t wait for the fun to begin. This year’s championships will again be hosted by Stable View in Aiken, South Carolina, and will now be hosted across three days on Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4 to give the students even more time to enjoy all that the event has to offer.
Entering the 25th year that the Baxter family has owned Twin Rivers Ranch, the 2025 eventing season in California’s wine country kicked off with the Twin Rivers Winter Horse Trials from Feb. 28 to March 2—the first of five USEA-recognized events to be held in Paso Robles, California, this year.
The United States Eventing Association (USEA) is excited to announce a collaboration with Dubarry of Ireland for a special giveaway! Known for their premium footwear, Dubarry has teamed up with the USEA to offer equestrians an exclusive opportunity.
Equally as important as staying brushed up on your knowledge of the USEF Rules for Eventing, it is also important to stay up to date on any rule changes coming through the pipeline. In this month's edition of Rule Refresher, we are outlining the six extraordinary rule changes that will be going into effect on April 1, 2025. For more detailed information on these extraordinary rule changes, please refer to this document provided by USEF.