In our last Rule Refresher, we covered the rules dictating protective equipment and training aids such as whips and spurs that are permissible in competition. Now, we're covering the rules outlining appropriate dress for riders for all three phases. Text has been taken directly from the USEF Rules For Eventing, with emphasis added by the USEA.
a. Horse Trials (Beginner Novice through Modified)—protective headgear—predominantly black or dark blue; Coat—dark color or tweed, tail coats are not permitted; Shirt—of conservative color, with stock and pin, or choker, or tie; Gloves (if worn)—dark color, tan, beige or white; Jodhpurs, Britches—light color or white; Boots— black, brown, field, jodhpur or a black or brown full grain smooth leather leg piece and matching leather boots. Chaps and/or half-chaps are not allowed. Competitors may compete without a jacket. In such cases, shirt - long or short sleeved with collar and without neckwear, of a conservative color, neatly tucked into riding breeches.
b. Horse Trials (Preliminary)—protective headgear—predominantly black or dark blue; Coat—dark color or tweed, tail coats are not permitted; Shirt—of conservative color, with stock and pin, or choker, or tie; Gloves (if worn)—dark color, tan, beige or white; Jodhpurs, Britches—light color or white; Boots—black, brown, field, jodhpur or a black or brown full grain smooth leather leg piece and matching leather boots. Chaps and/or half-chaps are not allowed.
c. Horse Trials (Intermediate and Advanced) & Three-Day Events. As above except no tweed coat. Tail Coats permitted. Shirt—stock with pin; Gloves (required)—white or dark color; Britches—as above; Boots—preferably black dress or a black full grain leather leg piece and matching leather boot. Chaps and half-chaps are not allowed. Members of armed and police forces, service dress with gloves, regulation headgear and spurs in accordance with EV114.
Light-weight clothing is appropriate for this Test, a shirt (any color) with sleeves must be worn. Protective Headgear in accordance with paragraph 1 above. This headgear may be any color. Britches or jodhpurs may be any color; Gloves (if worn) may be any color; Boots—black, brown, field, jodhpur or a black or brown full grain smooth leather leg piece and matching leather boots. Chaps or half-chaps are not allowed.
a. Hunting dress or uniform. Protective headgear, with chin harness, designed expressly for equestrian use in accordance with paragraph 1 above. Hat covers other than solid black or dark blue are not allowed. Gloves (if worn)—dark color, tan, beige or white; Jodhpurs, Britches—light color or white; Boots—black, brown, field, jodhpur or a black or brown full grain smooth leather leg piece and matching leather boots. Chaps or halfchaps are not allowed. Member of armed and police forces, as in EV114.5.
b. Beginner Novice through Preliminary: Coat—dark color or tweed. Shirt—stock with pin, choker or tie. Beginner Novice through Training: Competitors may compete without a jacket. In such cases, shirt – long or short sleeved with collar and without neckwear, of a conservative color, neatly tucked into riding breeches.
8. At Eventing Tests or at any level when all three phases of a Horse Trials are contested over one day - Protective headgear and protective vests as above. Clothing as appropriate for the test in progress (see below), or at the competitor’s option - boots, britches, spurs and gloves - as applicable for the test being performed. Long or short sleeved shirt with collar and without neckwear, of a conservative color, neatly tucked into riding breeches.
A steward should be appointed to inspect whips and spurs before any Test. He has the authority to refuse permission for any competitor to start whose whip or spurs contravene this Article. He will immediately report the circumstances to the Ground Jury, or Technical Delegate if the Ground Jury is unavailable, for confirmation. A competitor who competes with illegal whip(s) or spurs will be eliminated. A competitor who competes with incorrect items of dress may be eliminated, at the discretion of the Ground Jury.
At temperatures above 85°F, a heat index above 85°, or at the discretion of the Ground Jury or the Organizer, competitors will be permitted to compete without jackets, in the dressage and/or jumping tests. In such cases, competitors must wear either a long or short sleeved shirt of conservative color without neckwear; members of the armed forces and police units may ride in their summer uniforms. In inclement weather competitors may wear a windbreaker jacket or rain coat over their clothing; their number must be visible.
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