The CHIO Aachen Digital Champion of Champions will take place on August 7-8 through the EquiRatings Eventing Manager. The USEA will be teaming up with Eventing Manager for this upcoming event to encourage USEA members to play. The USEA will have its own league within the CHIO Aachen Digital Champion of Champions named the "USEVENTING" league. The winner of this league will be awarded one Full USEA Membership and a shirt of your choice from
How to Play
Step 1: Download the Eventing Manager app. It’s free and available for Android and iOS.
Step 2: Create a free account with Eventing Manager.
Step 3: Pick your team by August 7. You will have a fixed budget, and you are allowed to choose team players that fit within the budget.
Step 4: Enter the U.S. Eventing league. Enter the league code "USEVENTING" on the Leagues screen and click "Join League." Make sure to use all capital letters.
Step 5: Watch and participate in the live event. The simulated Champions of Champions event will be live streamed on August 7 and 8 with live commentary.
What You’ll Win
If you earn the top spot in the USEVENTING league, you’ll win over $100 worth in prizes including:
Best of luck to everyone who participates!
The USEA Eventing Coaches Program (ECP) held their annual Symposium at Galway Downs in Temecula, California, from Jan. 14-16.
Possibly the only thing more unsettling than being a horse owner experiencing an infectious disease outbreak on their farm is to be a veterinarian who experiences one.
The United States Eventing Association, Inc. (USEA) is proud to announce the first class of USEA Young Event Horse (YEH) Judges have completed their certifications through the YEH New Judge Education Program, which was led by YEH faculty member, Marilyn Payne.
Nazila Hejazi and her 20-year-old Missouri Fox Trotter mare, Tessa, may have made for an unconventional pair at the USEA Area VI Championships, held in October at Galway Downs (Temecula, California) but they didn’t let that hold them back. It’s uncommon to see a horse in their twenties still competing in eventing, and even more rare for a gaited horse to compete in a jumping sport.