In the wake of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) at least 50 USEA recognized competitions will be negatively impacted by this pandemic, and thousands of additional small businesses and non-profits will as well. The USEA headquarters is working to provide information regarding disaster assistance that may be available for those eventing businesses and non-profits. The following list will be updated as additional information becomes available.
Federal Coronavirus Small Business Assistance
If you need cash to offset lost revenue and help keep your business afloat, the programs below can help. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) coronavirus resource page provides a list of relief programs and offers guidance to small business owners during this crisis.
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
As part of its disaster assistance program, the SBA is providing low-interest working capital loans of up to $2 million to small businesses and nonprofits affected by the coronavirus in presidential and SBA-declared disaster areas. State governors must request access to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program for businesses located in their states.
These loans carry an interest rate of 3.75 percent for small businesses and 2.75 percent for non-profits. Loan repayment terms vary by applicant, up to a maximum of 30 years.
Who’s Eligible
How to Apply
Federal Income Tax Filing and Payment Deadline Extension
The federal tax return filing deadline is now July 15, 2020. For tax payments of up to $10 million, the IRS has also extended the deadline for both individuals and businesses to July 15, 2020. Estimated tax payments for 2020 originally due on April 15 will now be due on July 15.
Check with your state tax agency to find out if your business has more time to file or more time to pay state and local taxes this year as a result of the coronavirus. Several states have already aligned their tax filing and payment deadlines with the new federal deadline. States also may waive or reduce penalties on late tax payments.
State and Local Coronavirus Small Business Assistance
States and municipalities are adding programs by the day. Check your governor’s website for up-to-date information about relief available in your area. The National Governors Association offers a list of governors’ websites.
You can also check out this website which lists relief programs for small businesses by state.
Lender and Corporate Small Business Assistance Programs
Many banks have offered deferment and forbearance to business loan customers having trouble making payments. Check Forbes’ list of banks offering relief. You can also search for your bank on the American Bankers Association’s ongoing A-Z list of coronavirus response programs.
Facebook Small Business Grants Program
Facebook has committed to offering up to 30,000 small businesses $100 million in cash grants and Facebook advertising credits. The grants will be provided to businesses in more than 30 countries. Information is limited, but sign up to get more details from the company when they’re available.
American Horse Council – United Horse Coalition
The USEA is a member organization of the American Horse Council (AHC). The AHC is the only organization that represents the entire horse industry in Washington, D.C. Their ultimate mission is to protect the horse industry and to represent the entire industry to Congress. They are working to make sure that equine related businesses are included in government assistance. To view their COVID-19 resource page visit
Portions of this article were obtained from If you are aware of additional resources that may be available, please reach out to [email protected] so that they may be added to this list.
A skilled farrier is an essential part of a horse's success in and out of the show ring. No matter if your horse is shod all the way around or happy barefoot, as the old adage goes, a horse is only as healthy as his/her hoof. With February being International Hoof Care Month, we thought it was a great time to reach out to some top grooms and farriers in the industry for some tips and tricks on how you can keep your horse's hooves in tip-top shape, all while making your farrier very happy!
After a very successful inaugural year, the 2025 USEA Interscholastic Eventing League (IEL) Championship is quickly approaching. Grab your fellow barn mates, classmates, Pony Club members, and friends in grades 5th through 12th to create an IEL Club today. The best way for members to prepare for this exciting event is to participate in IEL Team Challenges held at venues across eight different USEA Areas throughout the year.
Due to the response at the 2024 USEA Intercollegiate & Interscholastic Eventing Championships at Stable View in Aiken, South Carolina, the decision has been made to add an extra day of competition to the 2025 event schedule. The new dates for the 2025 USEA Intercollegiate & IEL Championships are Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4. Click here to view the event omnibus now.
And just like that—2025 is upon us! Thinking about the year ahead can be exciting and a little overwhelming. You are not alone! Let’s talk through a few strategies I use this time of year to mentally and physically prepare for making the most out of the upcoming year.