Apr 27, 2008

Morning Cross-Country Rounds at Rolex Kentucky


Morning Cross-Country Coverage of the 2008 Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event in Lexington, Kentucky including quotes from the riders and pictures of everyone.

Photos by Joshua A. Walker

(Pardon the "shorthand" style – I was typing this up literally as cross-country was going on!) – below my "synopsis of the ride" are actual quotes from the riders themselves on how their trip went.

Check out the course on the Rolex site. There’s a virtual tour!

Theodore O’Connor/Karen O’Connor

First to go of the day. Busted out of the starting box rarin’ to go, jumped easy over the first fence. The Pony has quite a ground-covering stride oddly enough.She had to set up him up for the rock walls, but no sweat. Down the hill to a huge leap over Downhill Oxers (#4), jumping out of stride over the big fences. A slight chip into the Flower Basket (#5), and a slight bobble over the Cedar Hop. They’re making the strides well – good riding on Karen’s part. She really had to work for it! They took a big leap over The Hammock, and nipped neatly through the Sunken Road. Another huge leap over the Footbridge, and then Teddy opened up his stride up the hill to the Hollow, looking extremely fit. Jumped neatly through the Hollow no sweat, easily into the Head of the Lake, piece of cake! Huge leap over the Dray – still full of running halfway through the course. Jumped easily through the second water – seems stronger the more he goes, even pulling a bit. Karen really had to work to get him through the Duck Marsh, and then they really opened up for the last stretch, I can just see his little head bobbing over the hill. They’re still under the time! Finished at 10:57 – awesome ride! Karen high-fived hubby David on her way out, too. Very cute.

"I was just as worried today as last year, if not more worried, but my God, he stepped up to the plate and gave me a fantastic ride. David [O'Connor] told me before I started, don’t forget to fight for it."

Woodburn/Phillip Dutton

The seasoned veteran started out easy over the first after powering out of the starting box. These guys looked ready to go! Had a slight bobble over the Cedar Hop, but they got through. Phillip rode nicely through the Sunken Road, and Woodburn took a huge leap over the Footbridge. Had a nice go through the Hollow as well. Very well done jumping into head of the lake, galloping easily out over the bank and triple brush. They also had a great ride through the second water, and jumped nicely through the Duck Marsh. A slight chip in on the way out of last Duck element, but they’re fine. They just made the time at 10:56.

"I couldn’t be more happy." This was Woodburn’s first four-star and "he never thought about stopping. And he’s such a good galloper that I made up 15 seconds at the end. He’s going to be a really good horse, a real four-star horse."

Mazetto/Laine Ashker – Mazetto’s looking quite strong. Took a bit of a chip into the Rock Walls at #3. He seems to be twisting a bit over the jumps, hasn’t gotten to his comfort level yet, not seeming very confident early on. They jumped in nicely through the Hollow, but had a slight chip coming out. Looking good through the Double Diamond at #16. Big leap over the Footbridge, seeming more confident as they roll on – Laine’s giving him a superb ride. Another huge leap into head of the lake, and popped up easily out over the bank and the triple. Had a trip through 2nd water, and also a good go through the Duck Marsh. Finished well inside the time at 10:40, and were greeting with huge cheers from Laine’s mom.

"It was really cool – it was the ride of a lifetime! Mike [Etherington-Smith] always builds a great course, and everything rode really well. You just have to be sure you keep your lines when your horse gets tired."

Neville Bardos/Boyd Martin

Neville seemed to be fighting a bit, definitely rarin’ to go! He’s jumping nicely though – huge! A bit hectic through the Cedar Hop, but out okay. Popped neatly into the Hollow and had a great ride through there. Took a huge leap over Footbridge before the Head of the Lake, and had a great ride there. Boyd’s giving this feisty chestnut gelding a very professional ride! Took a big jump over lighthouse (in the middle of the HOTL). Neville looks to still be feeling very strong, and fighting a bit with Boyd. Footing seems to be holding well, and riding very fast. They were very quick through the Duck Marsh, and really picked up the pace on the 2nd half of the course. Easily over the last, galloped through the finish, finishing a second inside the time allowed – 10:59!

Boyd bought this horse for $800 as a "failed racehorse, so it’s a fantastic experience to bring him to Rolex."

"I thought I was going a bit slow, but he brought me home at the end."

Brandeburg’s Joshua/Stephen Bradley

Joshua springs easily over the first, looking very fresh and eager, very balanced and springy. Almost catlike through the Cedar Hops – looking great! They dropped carefully into the Sunken Road. These guys definitely had some hangtime over the big tables! They nipped neatly through the Hollow. Jumped carefully into HOTL, easily over lighthouse in the middle and leapt easily up the bank and over the triple brush at the far side. Great ride for Stephen and Josh! They ahd a picture perfect ride through the Duck Marsh, finished at 11:18, 7.2 time penalties.

"I was a little conservative starting out, so I had the time penalties I didn’t think I would have, but it’s his first [three-day] in a year and a half, so I don’t mind. The time faults were my fault. I was looking at the big picture, at preparing him for the Olympics, and now I have a good game plan for From."

Kingpin/Mike Winter

Looking good out the start box, fresh and full of running. Kingpin’s jumping very carefully and big. Mike had good ride through Cedar Hop – Kingpin seemed a bit sticky. They took a huge leap over the Dray, and then creeped into the Sunken Road. Mike’s really having to work to get the horse in front of his leg. Kingpin hung his hind legs a bit on the Footbridge, but then nipped neatly through the Hollow. They jumped nicely over the Double Diamonds. Kingpin seems back on task at this time, although he was still fighting a bit for his head through the Squirrels, but made it though. They took a big leap into HOTL, and leapt nicely out, looking more confident. Mike’s really giving him a good ride, and the horse is definitely jumping more confidently now. Mike really had to work to get him through the Duck Marsh, but they made it out cleanly, and then headed for home. Came in at 11:17, with Mike giving him huge pats.

"He’s a horse we’ve been trying to get to this level for years, and he was fabulous today. This was the culmination of all the things we’ve been doing coming together."

"I think he could’ve been fitter at the end, I need to do more hill work to get him fitter for next time."

Mr.Big/Julia Steinberg

This pair soared over the first lookin’ great. They took a big leap over the Hammock, getting some serious hangtime! This short-strided little horse is booking it around the course, nipping easily over the big, wide tables. He’s such a handy little guy! They nipped neatly through the Hollow, got a bit short to the Double Diamonds, but then they put the pedal to the medal up the hill to the Squirrels. They had a great ride through there, jumping easily out of stride. Mr. Big took a massive leap over the Creek Oxer, but them jumped nimbly into HOTL. They left a leg on light house in the middle of the island, but were none the worse for wear. They took two strides to the triple brush out on the way out of the HOTL, instead of the one-stride. They galloped double-time up the hills to make up for his short strides, leaping easily over the big Dray wagon. Julia has a big smile on her face – she’s obviously having a good time! They negotiated quickly through 2nd water. Wow, he eats the course up! Unfortunately, they had a stop at the B element of the Duck Marsh – just didn’t get her striding right. That was their only mishap, and they finished up about 25 seconds over the time allowed at 11:25.

(About their run-out) "I honestly just show him the jumps. I just didn’t show him that one in an organized fashion."

"I’d rather not be sitting on any other horse out there."

"He’s a hero to a lot more people than just to me. A lot of people who do this sport and don’t have a lot of money consider him a hero. He has his own fan club." She bought Mr. Big at Charles Town race track (W.Va.) for $2,500.

Esker Riada/Cayla Kitayama

The big gelding’s ears are pricked and he and Cayla are looking confident out of the start box. The big-strided horse is easily clearing the big tables, and jumped quite nicely over the Rock Wall. Good ride over the Downhill Oxers, great ride to the Basket. A nice slow and careful ride through the Cedar Hop. A bit of a trip over the Red Oak Rail, and very slow into the Sunken Road, but very carefully out. I think they need a bit more gas! They had a huge leap over the Footbridge, and easily jump over the Sheep Shelter. Esker really opened up his stride to make up some time heading to the Hollow, where they had a nice ride in and hopped easily out. She balanced him for the Double Diamond Corners and had a very nice, accurate ride through there. Great ride over the Squirrels, and very nicely through HOTL. These guys are really having a great ride! They seemed a bit slippery into the 2nd water, but she had a superb ride on the way and just let him do his job, using his experience to her benefit. Great horse! They finished just about 30 seconds over the time – 11:27

"It was unreal, I’m in a dream still, and I don’t want to wake up! I almost wish I could go out there and do it again! I’m so lucky to have such an incredible horse."

Bonner Carpenter/Acapulco Jazz

These guys are really jumping well, galloping strongly and confidently to the fences. They’re a bit sticky through Cedar Hop, but out nicely. They boogied around the course so far, taking a big leap over the Hammock. He certainly doesn’t waste any time in the air! They eased carefully into the Sunken Road, (great ride there!). The short-strided Quarter Horse gelding went nicely through the Hollow, and had a very forward ride to the Squirrels. Jazz looks like he’s really feeling good – jumping very well. They had a great ride through HOTL – very professional looking! This is Bonner’s first four-star (she’s a Young Rider). Jazz was excellent though the 2nd water, wasting no time! They had a great ride through the Duck Marsh, jumping out of stride easily. Bonner has a very smooth style of riding! Finished 11:03, fabulous ride!

"I tried not to get nervous before I started, but I couldn’t have done it on a better horse."

Madison Park/Kyle Carter

This pair busted out of the start box looking full of running!Kyle’s having to build confidence early on, really having to work, as the gelding’s fighting a bit. They scrambled through the Cedar Hop but got through. They took a big leap into the Sunken Road and another big leap over the log into the Hollow. The horse is still quite strong, but they had a good ride through the Squirrels. Kyle did a fabulous job of staying in the tack after a huge bound into the HOTL! Kyle’s fabulous balanced and experience has saved him a few times! They had a very strong ride through the 2nd water, and the horse is jumping much more confidently now, including a strong ride through the Duck Marsh.

"He was awesome – he’s been to some big occasions and never let me down. This horse is incredibly fast, and this is only the second time I’ve let him go fast." (The first time was the 2007 Pan Am Games last summer.)

"I was so nervous that I was ready to change careers, but now now!"

Dornin North/Lion Display

These guys definitely looked ready to tackle the course! They had a big ride over the Down Hill Oxers, and were a bit off their line through the Cedar Hop, and unfortunately, Dornin took a tumble as Lion Display ducked out at the last element. The bay gelding was headed back to the stable, but she caught him (after jumping right back up – looking fine). They then jumped the option and headed back on course. A few fences later, Dornin had another fall at the Footbridge, and was Eliminated.

Dun To A T/Jonathan Holling – withdrew after dressage

Courageous Comet/Becky Holder

Leaders after dressage! The big striding grey shot out of the start box like the Hounds of Hell were after him, looking very confident, jumping in stride, and galloping boldly. They took a big leap over the Rock Wall, and another huge leap over the Down Hill Oxers, though they had to balance a bit. Then he really opened up his stride, huge jump over the Basket, and leapt confidently through the Cedar Hop, wasting no time! Becky got held, unfortunately, when Dornin fell. What a tough blow for these guys! She had to keep him walking amongst the crowds and try and keep his mind on task, so that they could get back into a rhythm as quickly as possible when they were back on course. He didn’t seem to notice the five-minute hold and galloped over the hammock easily. Good boy! They took a big leap over the Red Oak Rail, dropped carefully into the Sunken Road. They’re having a good ride so far! They jumping well over the wide Footbridge. Poor Becky’s still trying to figure out her time, and work on getting her pace back. They went flying up the hill after the Sheep Shelter, still full of running, and then took a big leap into the Hollow. They were nicely balanced for the Double Diamond Corners,and then galloped easily through the Squirrels. His massive stride is just eating up the ground! They jumped really nicely into HOTL, jumping beautifully out of stride. Comet took a huge leap over the Dray wagon, and they looked absolutely textbook through the 2nd water, jumping HUGE. They had a gorgeous ride through the Duck Marsh – literally picture perfect. With that stride of his, she should have no trouble with the time. Still unsure of her time, but I believe it was close to 10:22, She had a BIG smile on her face as she passed the finish lines! Way to go Becky & Comet!

She double-punched her wrist watch when restarting after being held, accidentally resetting it to 0, so she had no idea of her time. "I’m not very clever at math, and then I thought, ‘Maybe this is a good thing. It will make me concentrate on jumping the jumps.’ I often wear a watch only to make sure I don’t go too fast on him."

"He was still full of run at the end, and he’d just hit another gear every time I put my hands down to pat him."

Hollywood/Kelly Sult

Competing in their first four-star, this pair took a big leap over the Downhill Oxers, nipped into the Cedar Hop, though they were a bit twisty on their way out. The big-strided dark gelding went nicely through Hollow, and had a powerful jump over the Dray. They’re looking full of running and very confident, nicely thru 2nd water, powerful ride through the Duck Marsh, finished at 10:51 – good for her!

"I was very nervous, but I think I ride better when I’m nervous. As soon as I jumped the first two fences, I knew we were golden."

Critical Decision/Missy Ransenhousen

These guys nipped over the first, looking very strong. They jumped nimbly through the Cedar Hop, but scrambled through the Sunken Road with his huge strides eating up the distance. They took a big leap over the Footbridge, and galloped easily through the Hollow, with Missy encouraging him the whole way. They bounded into the HOTL, and hopped easily out. This big gelding has a HUGE stride! They jumped rather nicely down the hill to the second water, and he shorted his stride to pop easily out, even going a quicker route. After a good run through the Duck Marsh, they went tearing up the hill for home looking fit and full of running. They finished well under the time at 10:45.

"Karen O’Connor told me to go fast and not to pull, because I get a little bit nitpicky out there. I rode a little smoother this year than last year. I think I knew more what to expect. I had a much better feel of how things were going to ride, and how big the jumps were, how you have to concentrate 100% for 11 whole minutes."

Radio Flyer/Dorothy Crowell

Dorothy and Radio Flyer started out carefully from the start, and jumped nicely over the Rock Wall. This is her first Rolex in ten years since she had Molokai – she’s doing well, her horse is jumping great, too. They had a nice ride through the Cedar Hop, with her horse looking fresh and confident. They had a careful trip through the Sunken Road,and a big leap over the Footbridge. They took a long route through the Double Diamonds, after an unfortunate stop there. They were fine through the Squirrels and the HOTL, and had a very strong ride through 2nd water. They’re still jumping well at the end of the course, and Radio Flyer took a huge leap into the Duck Marsh for the heck of it! They finished quite a bit over the time at 11:26

Had a run-out at Fence 16 when the wind caused her contact lens to crinkle and she couldn’t see. "So I missed my line, and picked too much. He had no choice but to do what he did. He was brilliant everywhere else, and I’m just so sad because it’s his first [cross-country] jumping penalty in ten years."

Oz/Mikki Kuchta

Oz is a huge jumper, and is looking very spunky! Mikki’s smiling and seems to be having a good time, and really enjoying her ride. They jumped nicely over the Basket, and also had a good ride through the Cedar Hop. Oz took a massive leap over the Hammock, and landed full of running. He’s just nipping over the jumps like they’re nothing! They jumped carefully through Sunken Road, and then another huge leap over the Footbridge. He really opened up his stride on the stretch before the HOTL. They looked great through the Hollow, and took the right side of the Double Diamond Corners, and skimmed neatly over the Squirrels. The HOTL, Dray, and 2nd water, and Duck Marsh all rode superbly for this pair and they made it home about 20 seconds over the time at 11:19

"It was amazing, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t get in his way. He can sort of go like a train, but he finally started setting himself up [for the jumps]."

Kirby Park Irish Jamie/Cammy O’Rourke

This pair is definitely looking confident with ears pricked – and they certainly don’t waste any time in the air! the grey gelding leaped neatly over the Rock Walls – he’s a very careful jumper. They had a good ride though the Cedar Hop, and had big leaps over the Hammock and the Footbridge. These guys are looking very confident, as they cantered neatly through the Hollow, trekked smoothly through the Squirrels. He’s a huge-jumping horse, and they were very smooth into HOTRL, though they creeped over the Light House in the island, and Jamie jumped easily out over the Brush. They took a big leap over the Dray, popped neatly through 2nd water, and took a big jump into the Duck Marsh. These guys are having a great ride, and they put the pedal to the medal up the hill to the final combo. They finished a hair over the time at 11:05, good ride!

"He was almost jumping too clear today, spending too much time in the air, so I had to push him at the finish."

UN/Jane Sleeper

These Rolex veterans skimmed over the first jump on course easily. Hopefully their run today’s better than their dressage test! The bay mare’s jumping great so far, and Jane’s encouraging her forward. They had a good ride through the Sunken Road, and took a huge leap over Footbridge. They popped easily through the Hollow. Unfortunately, they had a refusal at the HOTL on their way out (at the Triple Brush – the final element) – they then had to take the long route. UN had big jump over the dray, hopped neatly though 2nd water, and took the long route at the Duck Marsh, a wise decision, on her Jane’s part since somehow they’d picked up another refusal on course – bringing their total up to 40 jumping penalties. They finished at 12:05

Dunraths Alto/Lauren O’Brien

These longtime partners were looking great and full of running as they set out over the course today. They took a big leap over the Rock Wall, floated neatly over the big Downhill oxers, and had another huge leap over the Flower Basket. They had a good ride through the Cedar Hop, took a HUGE leap over the Hammock. They dropped very carefully into the Sunken Road, with Lauren encouraging Alto on with pats. He was looking very careful, and they were taking the jumps slow but steady. Alto took a big leap into Hollow, but they popped easily out. Lauren had a great ride though the Double Diamonds, keeping her line through the tricky two-stride combo very well. They jumped nicely through the the Squirrels, and had just the slightest stumble on out of the brush as they jumped into the HOTL, but they completed the combination well. Alto took a big leap over the Dray Wagon, still looking full of running. They had a nice forward ride down the hill to 2nd water, and even took the quick route out. They had a text book ride to through the sometimes-tricky Duck Marsh, with Lauren giving him lots of encouragement as they headed for home. They ended up with quite a bit of time penalties and finished on 11:37, with Lauren giving him huge pats!

This was their fifth start at Rolex Kentucky. "He knows his way around the course. I guess the trust between us gets a little easier each time, but the more fond of them you get, the more worried about them you get."

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