The MARS Bromont Rising U25 scholarship program, administered by the USEA Foundation, is pleased to announce that up to 10 grants of up to $2,500 each will once again be available for talented young riders aged 25 and under aiming to compete in the MARS Bromont (Quebec, Canada) U25 CCIs in June, 2025. Highlighting this year’s program is the return of three-time German Olympic team member Bettina Hoy as a guest coach for 2025.
The brainchild of Bromont organizer Sue Ockendon and the late Steve Blauner, the scholarship program was first offered in 2019 for riders competing at Bromont and at the time Ocala (Florida), and was expanded to include Galway Downs (Temecula, California) in 2022 and 2023. Event horse owner Blauner had the vision of supporting young eventers from the U.S. and Canada who were not yet under the radar of national U25 training programs. Ockendon had long had the dream of offering financial support the youth of the sport, who are the future of Eventing in North America. A complete training program was devised to help the riders prepare themselves and their horses for competition.
The grants assist with travel and entry expenses, but the program also includes classroom sessions with course designers, high performance riders and a dressage test analysis by an FEI five-star judge. Coaching and course walks during the events are also available, in conjunction with riders' own coaches.
Program director, Olympian and FEI judge, Peter Gray acts as a clinician at the event, including his “centerline workshop” on how to make the most of your warm-up and exactly what the judges are looking for movement by movement.
“I’m thrilled the MARS Bromont Rising grants will be offered once again at Bromont this year,” he remarked. “Bromont is a world-class competition destination with challenging terrain and cross-country courses designed by renowned Derek DiGrazia. Competition at Bromont rivals that of any major international event in the world. Having guest coaches like Bettina Hoy back on board is an incredible opportunity for our U25 athletes.”
Three-time German Olympian and former international coach for the Netherlands, Hoy speaks extremely highly of the program.
“Programs like Bromont Rising, the USEF and USEA’s Developing Rider Programs, Australia’s Next GEN squads, and in Germany the Stiftung Deutscher Spitzensport-supported mentorship program are very valuable, especially if participants are willing to take them on in an immersive way,” Hoy remarked. “Education goes far beyond riding instruction. During the week at Bromont not only do we walk courses and talk Dressage, but we also discuss horse management; how to plan your season, how to structure your fitness program, and proper aftercare to really complete the cycle of looking at the big picture. And of course we place emphasis on social license and the use of social media today.”
American young rider Julia Fanello, 23, of Ocala, Florida, received a grant in 2024 and speaks highly of her experience:
“I had a wonderful time participating in the Bromont Rising program last year. The opportunity to go over my dressage test with the judge one-on-one was incredible. It allowed direct insight into what the judge is looking for and how I can improve my tests in the future. Not only that, they offered individualized advice regarding a bit for my horse, which I now use every day. The training I received from Bettina Hoy exceeded all expectations going into the event. Being able to walk the cross country course with her shone light on things I would never have considered.”
Colin Gaffney, 25, of Lexington, Kentucky, also participated in the 2024 Bromont Rising program.
“The Bromont Rising program was a turning point in my development with [my horse] Baymax,” he remarked.
“What was most impactful was not only being able to be put in front of people like Bettina and Peter and get their feedback and opinions; but to be put in a environment where everyone wants you to develop and learn as much as they want you to succeed at that show.
“The changes and advice we received at Bromont helped turn our success around and contributed to a good result at the [USEA] American Eventing Championships. Our dressage scores have drastically improved, and I think we are scoring better at the four-star level now than we were at the three-star level last year. A big part of that is thanks to the help that I received as part of Bromont Rising.”
Canadian and American U25 riders competing in the CCIU252*-L and CCIU253*-L as well as the CCI4*-L/S are eligible to apply.
Grant application information is as follows:
MARS Bromont CCI June 5-8, 2025
CCIU252*-L, CCIU253*-L, CCI4*-L/S
Applications will open March 25.
Grant application & information forms, hotel information, omnibus & FEI Schedule can be found on the website.
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