If a horse experiences sore heels, it can be hard for the horse to stand comfortably without pain and can lead the horse to develop worse conditions. While there are many consequences that can result from sore heels, horses with this condition are prone to develop what’s called contracted heels.
Proper hoof care is essential to a horse’s well-being. Without regular hoof maintenance, horses can develop conditions in their feet that cause discomfort and can require costly treatment. One condition that is occurring more frequently in horses is corns – severe, visible bruising in a horse’s feet that is problematic if untreated.
Maintaining and trimming horse hooves is essential in order to sustain optimal hoof health. Without proper hoof care, a horse’s feet can develop either too much toe or too much heel, among other conditions, and can result in costly treatment in order to get the hooves back to a healthy state.
As barefoot horses become more active in warmer months, it is important to consider the impact of different terrains on a horse’s hooves. With the summer season here, horses are out on the trail more, and it’s crucial to be cautious of their soles and hooves in order to maintain good overall hoof health.
Proper trimming and awareness of a horse’s sole thickness is vital to maintaining optimal hoof health. Whether a horse is growing back over-trimmed soles, is genetically predisposed, if it’s an older horse or other environmental factors, it’s important that hoof care professionals examine the conditions horses are in because it directly impacts sole health.