Want to learn the difference between a ‘flashy mover’ and ‘correct mover’? Or which conformation flaws inhibit an event horse’s performance? USEA Future Event Horse (FEH) Committee Co-Chairs Robin Walker and Susan Graham White along with 2019 USEA FEH Championship judges Chris Ryan and Peter Gray share a look into FEH judging in this educational video.
These four experts thoroughly discuss what makes a good event horse. For conformation, they discuss what judges should look for, what good conformation looks like, and what conformation flaws could hinder an event horse’s performance. For assessment of gaits, Gray explains the top characteristics that he looks for, Graham White explains correct movement, and Ryan explains how conformation can affect movement. Graham White and Walker also go through a step-by-step explanation of how to judge a FEH competition.
Two videos on the handling of Future Event Horses for competition are also available here.