US Equestrian opened a bid process for one event to host the Advanced level in Area 3 on Week 10 for 2023-2027 due to an event cancellation. The bid process was conducted in accordance with the 2023-2027 U.S. Eventing Calendar CCI4*-L, CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L, & Advanced Policies and Procedures. The USEF Eventing Strategic Calendar Review Task Force made recommendations to the USEF Eventing Sport Committee who made recommendations for final approval by the USEF Board of Directors.
US Equestrian is pleased to announce that the bid was allocated to Chattahoochee Hills Eventing at Bouckaert Farm. The additional levels awarded include the BN, N, T, M, P, I, CCI2*-S, and CCI3*-S. The competition will run March 11-12, 2023, and replace Chattahoochee Hills' current competition on Week 9.
View the 2023-2027 Eventing Calendar here.
When Monbeg Zebedee came to Allison Springer’s barn nearly three years ago, she wasn’t sure where he might end up or how far his talent would take him. The Irish Sport Horse gelding (Dignifed van’t Zorgvliet x Bolacreane Dolly) had been purchased out of the Monart sale in Ireland by British five-star rider Kitty King as a sales prospect when he was 3, and King had started him but never competed him.
In their first trip down centerline at the Setters’ Run Farm Carolina International CCI4*-S, Monica Spencer and Artist slipped into the top spot this afternoon with a score of 28.6. The New Zealand native, who’s now based in The Plains, Virginia, has been partnered with “Max,” a 14-year-old Thoroughbred gelding (Guillotine x Maxamore) she owns, since he was 4.
Success demands peak performance from your horse, and nutrition plays a pivotal role in achieving that goal. With the physical and mental demands of training and competition, maintaining optimal gut health is essential. Standlee’s Gastric Support and Smart Carb™ forage products are designed to fuel your horse while addressing key digestive health concerns.
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