Tag: From the Membership

Feb 14, 2023

USEA Members Share the Love for their Horses this Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day—it's a special day dedicated to sharing your affection for your loved ones. At the USEA, we recognize who our members love most—their horses. Last week we asked our USEA membership a very loaded question on social media: what do you most love about your horse? We received over 150 responses sharing heartwarming tales and sweet sentiments from our members to their four-legged friends. Check out some of the standout submissions below!

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Nov 12, 2022 Education

10 Tips from the USEA Membership to Help You Survive Winter

For many of our members, winter is right around the corner (and for some of our Northern members, winter might already be upon you!). While some eventers head south for warmer weather in the winter months, a large part of our membership huddles down at home and use the winter months as an opportunity to rest from the season behind them or prepare for the season ahead. We asked our members what some of their favorite winter weather hacks around the barn were to help you make the most of the winter season.

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Jul 14, 2022 Education

11 Tack Trunk Essentials from USEA Members Around the Country

A horse person is only as good as all of the tools they store in their tack trunk! Let's face it, as eventers we never know what we might need and when we might need it, so having everything prepared for whatever life might throw at us each day is essential. Needing some help deciding what items to stock up on as you prep for the rest of your 2022 show season? We asked USEA members to share their favorite go-to items that they can't live without in their tack trunk to help inspire you for things you might need to snag the next time you are at the tack store.

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Jun 17, 2022 Membership

Nine Cross-Country Rituals to Help Get Your Head in the Game

If there is one thing that every event rider can relate to, it’s that combination of nerves and excitement and anticipation that comes in the form of pre-cross-country jitters. For some riders, that energy is best unleashed on the gallop out of the start box, while others need to find ways to unwind before they make their way out of the barn. We asked members of the USEA membership to chime in on their favorite pre-cross-country rituals that help them get ready to gallop across the country at each event.

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May 13, 2022 Education

Seven Horsemanship Hacks that You Need to Know

Good horsemanship habits don't always have to be expensive. In fact, some of the best barn hacks don't even require a trip to the tack store. From buying sponges in the automobile section of your nearest superstore to using ketchup as a tool to help whiten the tails on a gray horse, there are tons of ways you can up your horsemanship game on a budget without sacrificing the quality of care for your horse. We asked the USEA membership to chime in with their favorite barn hacks and you did not disappoint. Check out some of the suggestions below!

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Apr 04, 2022 Membership

Ten Horse Show Parents Chime In on How to Best Support Your Child at Home and Events

Did your kiddo catch the eventing bug? While it can feel a bit overwhelming at first, we know you will find the sport and community of eventing to be a fun and welcoming one. Getting through the learning curve can feel a bit cumbersome, but top eventing parents from around the country chimed in to share some of their best words of wisdom to make your transition into your new role as a horse show mom/dad extraordinaire as smooth as possible

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Mar 16, 2022 Membership

Nine Eventing Parents Share their Secrets to Balancing Barn and Baby Time

One thing that eventing and parenthood share in common is the amount of dedication required to get it right. Aiming for excellence in horse showing and child-rearing is taxing enough on its own, but combining the two and things can get a little more challenging. For many, eventing truly can be a family affair. We reached out to USEA members to share some of their favorite eventing parenting tips, tricks, and hacks to make juggling all of the pieces just a little easier the next time you head out to the barn to ride or make your way to the start box.

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