I am writing this as for the moment I am able to relax, and enjoy the reality of an amazing cross country round earlier today. This can only last for around five minutes before the preparations and prayers for final jogs begin.
Dressage day for the 2* was on Thursday and although Gracie wasn’t as amazing as she had been in our lessons leading up to, we were able to put in a solid test that helped contribute to my team.
As luck would have it, my teammate, Emily Renfroe, who was set to go first in the order was having an amazing warm up and looked beautiful going around the ring when she went from canter to trot and Walker hit herself, ultimately going down the centerline still limping from her “stubbed toe” and the judges made the decision to ring her out. Not a fun way to start the least fun day of the weekend. Emily is an amazing character though as she was immediately able to put the past behind her. My other two teammates were able to put in two beautiful tests which had us all in the top 10 after dressage and silver medal position as a team. Watching my teammates I think I finally have an idea of how my mom feels watching me go.
(Gracie getting iced after cross-country. Missy Miller Photo.)
Cross country day Gracie and I were the first to go for the team and I was nervous a I wanted to have a good ride and be able to help my teammates feel confident going out on the course. Gracie put in one of our best rounds yet and came in only one second over time. The course was rewarding and very forward. I never felt a time when when grace stopped pushing and I was really happy with how well Gracie came back. My teammate Dani Dichting had a great go as well but added some time penalties as well. Unfortunately our last to go, Devon, was having a great go until the water in the last part of the course, which was a bounce in, 4 strides to a skinny turtle in the water. She had an unfortunate run out there but finished for our team and we only dropped to 3rd in the team standings. Kyle seemed happy and now it is time to prepare for Sunday jogs and show jumping in the grandstand!
-Gracie and Missy