
Apr 21, 2011 Education

Your Horse Ulcer-Free Pt 1: Overview of Equine Ulcers

What horse owner, trainer, rider, or breeder isn’t looking for a happy, healthy horse? Horses that perform better, behave better, sell better, and even incur fewer vet costs? Unfortunately, the reality is that horses rarely are perfectly happy and healthy. And for many horses, the root of their problems begins in the digestive tract.

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Mar 23, 2011 Sponsor

SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program Launches Crusade Against Equine Colic

Freedom Health, LLC, makers of SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program®, has announced the introduction of a new awareness campaign: the Crusade Against Equine Colic™.

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Jun 03, 2010 Eventing News

SUCCEED Joins Helmet Advocate Jeri Bryant to Launch National Helmet Awareness Campaign Endorsed by USEF, USEA, USDF and Leading Equestrians

Leading equine digestive health product SUCCEED® has teamed up with helmet advocate Jeri Bryant to launch an online helmet awareness campaign – The campaign is designed to educate equestrians on the benefits of wearing helmets.

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Mar 15, 2010 Eventing News

HRTV to air USET Holiday Gala Fundraiser presented by SUCCEED® & Wellington Classic Dressage

The 2009 SUCCEED® Holiday Fundraiser to benefit the United States Equestrian Team Foundation (USET) has come and gone. But the fun can be relived again on HRTV. Highlights of the event will premier on the network Monday, March 15 at 10:30 P.M. ET/7:30 P.M. PT, and re-air Tuesday and the following Sunday, March 21.

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Oct 13, 2009 Association News

SUCCEED® and Wellington Classic Dressage Present USET Foundation Holiday Gala Fundraiser

SUCCEED® and Wellington Classic Dressage will be hosting an exciting Holiday Gala Fundraiser on December 11 & 12, 2009, to benefit the United States Equestrian Team (USET) Foundation. The gala will feature some of the biggest names in the equestrian world from a unique combination of disciplines, all coming together for a good cause and some holiday fun.

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Mar 02, 2009 Association News

Freedom Health Announces Winners of the 2008 USEA Area 8 SUCCEED Challenge

Freedom Health, LLC, is proud to announce the winners of the 2008 United States Eventing Association (USEA) Area 8 SUCCEED® Challenge Series. This incentive program was open to USEA Area 8 members competing in USEA Sanctioned Horse Trials who use SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program (DCP) to foster optimum digestive health in their horses-thus supporting overall well-being and performance.

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