Dec 12, 2021

USEA Board of Governors Meeting Wraps Up Convention

After three days of committee meetings and open forums, the USEA Board of Governors reconvened to discuss action items from a multitude of committees. With the adjournment of the meeting, the 2021 USEA Annual Meeting & Convention was officially concluded.

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Dec 11, 2021 Convention

The USEA Gets Down to Business at the Annual Meeting of Members

When the United States Eventing Association (USEA) was formed in 1959 (then the United States Combined Training Association) the by-laws required the members to come together every December to conduct the business of the Association. What was just an annual meeting has turned into four days of meetings and fun during the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention, however, the Annual Meeting of Members is still the centerpiece of the weekend.

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Dec 09, 2021 Convention

USEA Board of Governors Cover a Lengthy Agenda at First Convention Meeting

This afternoon USEA President Max Corcoran called to order the first meeting of the USEA Board of Governors at the 2021 USEA Annual Meeting & Convention. This is the first of two meetings of the Governors as they bookend a long weekend of committee meetings, education, and fun in Albuquerque, N.M.

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Aug 22, 2021 Association News

Funding Approved by USEA Board of Governors for Equine Medical Research

Equine medical research has historically been underfunded. To address this underfunding, the Equine Medical Research Fund (EMRF) was created. Since 2014, United States Eventing Association (USEA) members have contributed a total of $284,052 one dollar at a time to the EMRF through their starter fees. An additional $22,700 was also donated by members through restricted donations.

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Aug 15, 2021 Governance

The USEA Board of Governors Reunites for August Meeting

As is tradition the USEA Board of Governors met this August to conduct the business of the United States Eventing Association (USEA). This is the first time the Board was able to meet in person since December 2019 and it was a productive two days. USEA President Max Corcoran had flown directly from Tokyo to the meeting in Dulles, Virginia, and managed to fight through her jet lag to welcome the members and share her delight of the busy year of eventing.

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Dec 16, 2020 Convention

Board of Governors Meeting Concludes 2020 USEA Virtual Convention

The Sunday morning Board of Governors typically closes out the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention, but this year the meeting was held over three hours on Tuesday night via Zoom Webinar. With an extensive agenda to cover, the USEA Board, including the four new members who were elected at Saturday’s Annual Meeting, made motions, voted, and fairly conducted the business of the Association.

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Dec 14, 2020 Convention

Attend the Virtual USEA Board of Governors Meeting

Traditionally, two USEA Board of Governors meetings are held during the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention that takes place every December. This year, with the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention being held virtually, the two Board of Governors meetings have been condensed into one and will be held virtually tomorrow, Tuesday, December 15 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time via Zoom.

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Aug 14, 2020 Governance

USEA Board of Governors Summer Meeting Report

Like many other things this year, the annual summer meeting of the USEA Board of Governors looked very different in 2020. The 21 Governors spent two days meeting virtually from their homes around the country. This was USEA President Max Corcoran’s first August board meeting at the helm and she opened the call by thanking the Board for their time so far this year as conference calls have been frequent.

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Jan 19, 2020 Governance

Meet the 2020 USEA Board of Governors

The 21 members of the USEA Board of Governors represent all the different factions of the U.S. eventing community, including professional riders, adult amateurs, owners, organizers, officials, veterinarians, and more. There is a president, one representative for each of the 10 USEA Areas, and the remaining 10 represent the demographics of the sport.

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Dec 15, 2019 Convention

Board of Governors Meeting Closes Out the 2019 USEA Annual Meeting & Convention

Newly minted USEA President Max Corcoran opened the final Board of Governors meeting of the 2019 USEA Annual Meeting & Convention in Boston, Massachusetts by sharing her enthusiasm for her new position.

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Dec 14, 2019 Convention

Changing of the Guard at the USEA Annual Meeting of Members

For 60 years the members of the USEA have been coming together to discuss the business of the Association and make important decisions to keep the sport of eventing thriving in America. The USEA Annual Meeting & Convention has turned into four days full of meetings and more, but the Annual Meeting remains the backbone.

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Official Equine Insurance of the USEA

Official Forage of the USEA

Official Supplement Feeding System of the USEA

Official Competition & Training Apparel of the USEA

Official Horse Boot of the USEA

Official Shockwave of the USEA

Official Horse Wear of the USEA