Every year at the USEA Annual Meeting an Awards Luncheon is held. This is an opportunity for the sport to recognize those horses and riders who have excelled in Eventing throughout the year. It is also an opportunity to recognize those very important people who have served the sport tirelessly in a non-riding capacity. While it is a simple matter of tabulating points earned in competition to arrive at the horse and rider awards, it is a very different proposition when it comes to the non-rider awards; these awards require nominations from our members. The Appreciation Awards Committee is currently accepting nominations for the awards listed below. If you know someone who is deserving of one of these awards, please submit your nominations for consideration to:
Sheila Strickler, Chairman of the USEA Appreciation Awards Committee, at [email protected] or by fax (520) 742-9336, no later than October 1, 2010.
Please provide the following information for each nomination:
Name of Award;
Name of Nominee;
Age (if applicable);
Address and USEA Area of Nominee
Reason for nomination: A short biography of your nominee. If you nominee is selected, a photo will also be required. To make this experience exciting both the nominee and attendees of the Luncheon, the names selected will be kept a secret until the award is presented. Although it may not be an easy task, we ask those making the nomination to ensure that the candidate is able to attend the Awards Luncheon.
COURTNEY C. REEVES MEMORIAL TROPHY: Awarded to the young individual who exemplifies sportsmanship, the spirit of the sport, and who gives back to the sport.
GOVERNORS CUPS: In recognition of the volunteers whose services have contributed significantly to the sport. Approximately six awards per year may be awarded.
GROOMS AWARD: The Grooms Award is divided into two categories, Amateur and Professional. The purpose of the award is to recognize the vital role played by the groom who works countless hours behind the scenes to make sure their charges are healthy, happy, and poised for success.
IRONMASTER TROPHY: Awarded to the individual that exemplifies fortitude and courage. Open to anyone associated with the sport: Volunteer spectator, official, trainer, competitor, groom or groundskeeper.
VINTAGE CUP: Awarded to members 60 years of age and over who are competing at any level in recognized USEA competitions and who show good sportsmanship.
Your first horse trial will be one of the most exciting and yet nerve wracking moments in your equestrian career. There is so much to do, so much to learn, and it always feels like so little time. We recently polled USEA members and asked them to share one piece of advice that they would tell themselves if they could go back in time to the morning of their first ever horse trial. Here are some of our favorite tips and tricks shared.
The United States Eventing Association (USEA) Foundation serves as the administrator for numerous grants and scholarships, including the Rebecca Broussard Developing Rider Grant. On the evening of Saturday, September 7, 2024, the USEA Foundation was made aware of allegations of equine abuse, which included links to videos which appear to show a recipient of a Rebecca Broussard Developing Rider Grant striking a horse.
When 15-year-old Sophia Lieberman first laid eyes on her dapple gray mustang Bear Necessities three years ago in Alabama, she had no idea what the future might hold for them. Lieberman and her mother, Dr. Alison LaCarrubba, DVM, were on the hunt for a new project pony, and the 14-hand gelding seemed like he might be a good fit.
Rebecca Farm and the Broussard Family have been made aware of allegations of horse abuse regarding one of the 2023 Rebecca Broussard Developing Rider Grant recipients.