Apr 13, 2020

USEA Podcast #255: Checking in From Self-Isolation

Nicole Brown, Diarm Byrne, Rob Burk, and Max Corcoran check in from self-isolation plus Jonathan Elliott joins the show to give an update on how the calendar will be managed once we get the green light to start eventing.

  • Jonathan Elliot, Vice President of Competitions on the USEA Board of Governors as well as the Organizers Representative, joins us on the Podcast to discuss the process by which events that had to cancel this spring because of COVID-19 will go about rescheduling for later in the year.
  • Before the rescheduling process can begin, USEA and USEF will need to give the green light that it is safe to begin competing once again. As things stand, the plan is for the organizations to reconvene shortly before the current intended restart date of May 3, 2020, to make a decision whether to stand behind that date or extend it once again.
  • Max stresses the importance of having adequate time to prepare before stepping foot back in the competition ring. With many riders unable to train during quarantine because of stay-at-home restrictions, those riders will need ample time to make sure they are ready to leave the start box again.
  • In a letter on the USEA website, Max wrote about the importance of making the most of this unexpected downtime. "We can make the most of this mini break," she said. "Without competition we now have time, if we choose, to tidy up all the details and be more than ready when we hear '3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . have a great ride!'"

Stay safe everyone and we'd love to see where you are listening, tag us in your stories @useventing.

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