Feb 24, 2017

Symposium Recap: Training and Teaching Principles with Chris Ryan and Chris Burton

Chris Burton coaches Ellie O'Neal in the YEH portion of the Symposium. USEA/Leslie Mintz Photo.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week was a whirlwind with USEA’s Instructors’ Certification Program (ICP), Future Event Horse Program (FEH) and Young Event Horse Program (YEH) teaming up to offer an ultimate educational symposium in Ocala, Fla. Legendary horseman Chris Ryan, who is known for sourcing some of the most successful event horses in the world like 2008 silver medalist Mckinlaigh, was the lead clinician for the FEH program, and Le Lion d’Angers champion Chris Burton was the lead clinician for the ICP and YEH groups. Both Ryan and Burton join us on the podcast today to share their philosophies and training principles that they shared this week.

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