Dec 14, 2017

2017 #USEAConvention Roundup

Members had the opportunity to eat, drink, mix, and mingle at the Board of Governors Reception at the Aquarium of the Pacific on Thursday night. USEA/Jessica Duffy Photo.

USEA CEO Rob Burk joins us on the program this week to share highlights from the 2017 USEA Annual Meeting and Convention, which took place in Long Beach, California, December 6-10. This year's Convention was jam-packed with content that was split into three tracks: Events, Eventers, and Equine, each of which offered educational sessions and open forums for attendees to participate in. Over 360 members attended this year's Convention, and nearly all of those attendees came to both the Annual Meeting of Members and the Year End Awards Ceremony. There were presentations by Diarm Byrne of EquiRatings, USEF High Performance Director Erik Duvander, and Tryon International Equestrian Center among many others. Listen in to learn more!

Next year's USEA Annual Meeting and Convention will take place in New Orleans, December 5-9, 2018. For more information about the different sessions, check out the USEA's coverage of the Convention.

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