Mellisa Warden

Mar 25, 2020

Mellisa Warden: Making the Most of a Difficult Situation

In July 2019, while visiting my military husband in Germany, I hit a trolley line on a bike and went flying which broke my ankle and dislocated my foot. I was rushed to surgery and while being wheeled back, I was given a 50 percent chance of losing my foot. I spent two weeks in the hospital with an external fixator, then was pinned together, but the post-trauma damage has been exceptional.

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Mar 29, 2011 Profile

USEA Member Story #24

I grew up in the good old days of Eventing when the USEA was the USCTA, the USEF was still the AHSA, jumping vests were just being introduced and not mandatory, and Beginner Novice was just being introduced to make Eventing more inviting. For my 11th birthday, my father gave me a heart rate monitor for my horse, an overgirth, Hillary Clayton's book on conditioning the event horse, and announced I was going to be an event rider.

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