Ashley Kriegel Trier

Mar 08, 2017

Bridging the Gap: Don't Forget To Have Fun

Usually at the beginning of the year I'm pretty excited about getting back out in competitions on my horses. This year was no different, with the notable exception that I was shuffling around my upper level horses and starting out only on the lower level ones. I was still eager to get back into competing and continuing to improve.

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Aug 16, 2016 Editorial

Bridging the Gap: Be Relentless

My dad used to say when I was growing up that if you looked up the word relentless in the dictionary there would be a picture of me next to it. I think at the time he meant my relentlessness in constantly asking for a horse (and everything else that went along with it), but over time I've begun to realize just how much of this personality trait is needed in eventing.

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Feb 16, 2016

Bridging the Gap: You Can Always Work the Hardest

I have never considered myself a naturally talented rider. In fact, I spent most of my first years on a horse flailing around pretty ineffectively trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to be doing to make the horse do what I wanted it to.

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Nov 06, 2015

Bridging the Gap: If It's Not One Thing It's a Hurricane

As Eventers, we all know the emotions that come from the word "plan". First, there's the initial excitement that we have one and we will follow through.

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Sep 29, 2015

Bridging The Gap: Keeping it All in Perspective

Perspective is something most equestrian professionals try to have, and talk about every once in a while (when we’re not talking about horses), but it’s not always something we’re very good at actually having all the time.

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Aug 13, 2015 Editorial

Bridging The Gap: From Rider to Professional

A friend once told me that to be a professional in this sport, you couldn’t just love competing; you had to love the every day riding and care of the horse.

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