Livewire was born in Quesnel, British Columbia in the spring of 1998. Breeder, Tia Groves, raised Livewire for his first few years until Samantha Taylor came across this special horse. Samantha purchased Livewire as a two year old and she immediately saw what a special horse Livewire was. He was such an impressive jumper, even as a baby. Livewire went on to wow the world with his jumping ability as he went on to establish himself as an upper level event horse.
Livewire competed at the Advanced level of Eventing for four years. In this time he placed seventh at the Jersey Fresh CCI***, tenth at the Fair Hill CCI***, was the highest placed Canadian at the Wit’s End World Cup Qualifier and was a member of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Team. These are only a few of the great things that Livewire accomplished in his career as an Advanced Event horse.
Read the rest of this story on Eventing
From the classroom lecture to the riding sessions, the focus on the final day brought those final finishing touches to bear on the athletes of the 2024-2025 Emerging Athletes Under 21 (EA21) National Camp held at Sweet Dixie South.
“There are 385 million people in the U.S., and only 3.8 million have horses,” David O’Connor said as he began the classroom session on day 4 of the Emerging Athletes Under 21 (EA21) National Camp. “Not all of them are into eventing.”
A change in the original schedule of the Emerging Athletes Under 21 (EA21) National Camp brought cross-country day forward to the third day instead of the original final day. Alongside his work with the U.S. Equestrian Federation and the FEI, EA21 Director of Coaching David O’Connor advises the Caisson Detachment of the 3rd United States Infantry Regiment on horsemanship and will be traveling to Arlington, Virginia, to attend the state funeral of former President Jimmy Carter. But no one was disappointed by the change.
Having established clear lines of communication yesterday on the flat, it was time to take those tools to the jumping arena during day two of the 2024-2025 Emerging Athlete Under 21 (EA21) National Camp held at Sweet Dixie South in Ocala, Florida. The curriculum for the second day focused on the rider’s responsibilities and maintaining rideability.