USEA president Kevin Baumgardner completes his three-year term on Saturday, December 11. The following is his final president's letter, which will also be published in the edition of Eventing USA that will be mailed to the Association's members this month.
Picture this: nineteen enlarged photographs perched on nondescript easels scattered around the mezzanine of a hotel in suburban Virginia. These black-and-white images seem of a different place and time amid the mid-morning bustle and hubbub of the USEA’s Golden Anniversary Convention—committee members dashing from meeting to meeting, old friends exchanging gossip, last night’s partygoers stumbling off in search of a second cup of coffee, trade fair merchants doing a brisk business.
Anyone who knows me well is painfully aware that at the drop of a hat I can drone on at great length about the virtues of the classic (that is, with-steeplechase) three-day event—and can be particularly long-winded about the one-star version of the classic.
This past weekend at the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day, Laine Ashker suffered a serious fall during the cross-country stage of the competition. She is currently in critical condition at the University of Kentucky hospital in Lexington. Laine's horse and another involved in a separate accident had to be euthanized.
I told you that I would report back to the membership after our Strategic Planning meeting in Leesburg, which took place this past Friday and Saturday. Before I do so, please allow me to describe the avalanche of responses I have received from concerned members since I posted my message on the USEA website early last week soliciting your input.
I am very heartened and gratified by the overwhelming response to my letter that was posted last night on this website. Numerous Eventers from all areas of the country and all segments of the sport have emailed me with expressions of their support as well as with many thoughtful comments and ideas.
Eventers everywhere are deeply saddened by the accidents that occurred this past weekend at the Red Hills Horse Trials in Tallahassee, Florida. First and foremost, our thoughts, prayers, and heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery go out to our dear friend and USEA board member Darren Chiacchia. Darren is an extraordinary horseman who has worked tirelessly on behalf of the sport of Eventing.