Allen MacMillan

Aug 25, 2017

Preview the Adequan USEA Gold Cup Cross-Country Courses at Richland Park Horse Trials

For anyone who has not been to Richland Park Horse Trials, (which is about 10 miles north of Kalamazoo, Michigan) the 260-acre farm has green, rolling terrain with several significant uphill climbs on the cross-country, at least by Midwest standards.

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Aug 05, 2016 Competitions

USA Horses All Cleared for Competition in Rio at First Horse Inspection

Bom Dia (pronounced Bom Gia and means “Good Day” in Portuguese) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! We had a whirlwind trip down to Rio from our home in Indiana filled with as many challenging obstacles as a 4*cross-country course, but we finally arrived in Rio yesterday, August 4th (a day later than planned, but very happy to be here)!

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Official Horse Boot of the USEA

Official Shock Wave of the USEA

Official Horse Wear of the USEA